Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Working Class or Working Better

            As I sit and eating my morning breakfast at my normal restaurant for choice for such a meal I am awestruck by the severs and the skill they show at their job.  Now most people may not even give them a second thought but I have been doing to the same place for Saturday breakfast for over two yours now and some of the server I have gotten to know well.  Hell I am such a regular that I have a regular table and my server who I normally have knows me by first name so I have had a long time to watch them. 
Not to say I can’t understand why I can’t understand why people over look those that server us our meals, get us our coffee and just simple make our live a little bit easier.  We as a society have been program to overlook them, as if they were just simple cogs in a machine that runs life.  It easy to do and easy to think that, after all they serve us and not the other way around but is that right?  I don’t think so.
My waitress without evening knew my drink order and half my order even before I sat down.  She knew how to time my starter, how long to wait before entering my main meal order into the kitchen so it would arrive at the exact moment when I finished the starter.  That is simply amazing and doing it all with a smile too.  Now most would just over look that thinking, “Well that makes sense she worked there so long and you been going there for two years.  She should know that.”  But that isn’t really the point; the point is she constantly does this, not just for me but for every order, it simply amazing.
It made me think of the girl at my Tim Horton’s or those that work at the KFC on cheap chicken Tuesday.  They move at a speed that I couldn’t keep up, serving us with a smile even when some of the customer treats them like dirt.  Think about it; really think about it, it simply amazing they can do it.  It is something I know I wouldn’t be able to do or keep up with but they do it every single day. 
We should take a moment and thank them for what they do and remember even though they are severing us they are still people who deserve our thanks for what they do.
So from me to them, thanks.

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