Sunday, March 6, 2011

Here is My Soap Box

            It seems like everyone and their pet have a blog, blogs that cover across various of subjects from advances in technology to the events of their individual lives.  Since so many people and animals have one I have finally decided to join the masses flooding the internet with my very own rants about things that I believe are important. 
            I understand that I will only be one voice among countless others and will mostly likely be drowned out by the combined noise polluting cyber space but I don’t need to be heard.  The goal is to simply have an creative outlet, to challenge to critically thinking and writing as well as to get use to writing on various of subjects.   I hope by doing this I will improve upon all those things and encourage me to do more writing. Besides it’s just be plain fun to rant about things and who doesn’t enjoy a good ranting session from time to time.
            I will freely admit I am no expert, far from it, but like everyone else I do have the capacity to critically review everything I hear, see, read and reflect upon them. I am simply giving my interpretation on topics I wish to address and may be in error from to time to based on the source material I am used.  I am simply human and like all human beings I can and will make mistakes from time to time.
            So world, here is my soap box, here is me standing atop it shouting among the crowd seeing who will hear me.