Saturday, May 26, 2012

Post Pure Spec and Lesson Learned

Okay this is really post but I only now getting back to posting.

            Near the end of last year I was fortunate enough to find time to attend Pure Speculation and was able to indulge my growing photography hobby.  For those people who are unaware of it Pure Speculations is the local Science fiction and Fantasy Con in which focuses mainly on the genre of Sci-Fi and fantasy wither they be literary for or illustrated.  As part of this event they old several seminars/panels covering a verity of topic from self publishing, the history of cartoons and even the science behind comic super powers.  And as with any convention focusing on pop culture there were chances to take a lot of picture of people in costumer, merchant table as well as other fun things.
            For me I went to the con with my DSLR with the intention of practicing my photography and taking the opportunity to try my hand in event photography.   This was something totally new to me since I never took it upon myself to shoot with a specific goal  in mind before and neither do I have much experience in event photography and I learned so much doing so. 
            When reviewing my photos I realized I didn’t really capture the meaning or spirit of the event.   Even though I did get some great shot of people in costumes, I missed out of several great chances to tell the story of Pure Speculations and the people that attended.  I focused too much on the people in costumes and not on other things, such as the new location, the merchant table and their wares, how the other attendees were interacting with each other, or even how they setup and tear down for the con would have showed more what Pure Speculations was.
            One of my best photos was a test shot I took of one booth’s merchandise and it when I was looking at it I realized I missed out telling a story.   I didn’t even think about taking picture of other things till it was too late.
            There were other things I learned while taking pictures such as the importance of light, having an external flash and depth of field, all of which I never really thought to much about till shooting at Pure Speculations.     The light wasn’t the best specially for someone, like myself, whose lenses didn’t have a low aperture so I was forced to use my external flash and the modifiers I had on hand. Now luckily I had a soft box that could easily go over my flash but at times it was too bright and gave a burn out feeling to the picture. Now I learned the hard of using the soft box and reflecting the lights of the walls and ceiling which did help but I wished I didn’t have to use it.  Having a flash in your eye being near one is never nice.
            Another thing I learned was depth of field and focusing which is damn hard in low light and hand holding.  As people know the lower your aperture the shallower your depth of field, well I didn’t realize how much that can affect a picture till trying to do a group photo at the contest.  Because of the lighting and hand holding the camera I couldn’t get my shutter speed as low as I wanted so I set the f stop as low as it could go.  The results were photos that were mainly out of focus and poor quality.  I should have use a tripod or my monopod for those shots so I could have had a lower shutter and kept a good f stop for the shot.  Other possible solution to this could have involved wireless flashes set up around the stage to add the additional light or just gone with under exposure and then fixed that in lightroom or photoshop.
            What I do intend is take advantage of lenses rental so I can have a good fast lenses and enjoy trying out a new piece of glass.  I also hope to take advantage of off camera flash to see if I can better shape the light.  Either I will need someone to hand hold the flash or have a small tripod with me that I can easily use there.  
            Hopefully I will keep this all in mind when next Pure Speculations 2012 comes along and have had additional practice with my camera and simple photography skills.

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