It's true what they say, "All good things do have to end.” It's a sad reality of life but we have to deal with endings, even the end of our very own existence. I say this today reading the final strip of a web comic I have been following for over five years and the sadness as well as the joy knowing it has ended. It has been my great pleasure to have followed the final journey of it characters and in part being part of their lives though I am sad that there will no longer be another strip it was wonderfully unwrapped up in a way that even I didn't expect. The artis and the written should be proud on how he wrapped up his saga and the memories it will leave with his fans for years to come.
Sometimes we have to let go of the things we care for and let them. simply end. That is the afflictions I see a lot with the comic industry today. The simple lack of the willingness to let go of their iconic character and finally let them past to memory is a failure I see in the comic industry these days.. It's become a common group to say a favorite superhero or villain will never stay dead for long simply because the producers don't want to let go of what has been making them money for so long. And that is what is making most comics simply stale.
They no longer want to take risk in something new and exciting that could truly rekindle the fires of fandom and bring in a younger readership. How many relaunches of Batman or Superman have we seen through the years? How unkillable have the mighty Wolverine have become?
These characters have entertained us for yeas but it comes a time to let them go and star something new and inspiring. The web cartoonist I previously referee to has inspired le to focus more on on my own creations and other creative endeavors and I do thank him for that. I hope that one day to being my own characters to life and as he has done have the courage to let them go when their stories have finally been told in full.
All good things do have to end someday but they don't have to be forgotten ever.